Monday, September 30, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/30/2013

They all have to do with the government shutting down. Some were caused by terror attacks and the other was caused by bad bipartisanships. Perhaps faulty government is just as hurtful to us as terror

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/19/13

Read the following, and write a three to four sentence response.

- No. Violent video games do not make people violent. Sports video games don't make me better at sports, and guns don't kill people. People can't constantly blame the things that millions of teenagers do daily, and not every teenager has over aggressive tendencies. I actually found a study that states the exact opposite and that video games actually have a calming effect on people. Here is the link if you're interested in looking at it-

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/18/13

Read the following:

1.  List three reasons why the school district claims to be collecting this information. - To prevent suicides, murders, and drug usage.

2.  Is this an invasion of privacy? - No. It's public postings, but I think it isn't the schools place to take these matters into their own hands

3.  How would you react if this practice were implemented in Barbour County? - I'd make all my social media pages private to everyone except for people I specifically allow to view my page.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/17/13

Read the following link and answer the questions that follow:

1.  What does this type of reaction say about America as a melting pot? It says that people are completely crazy and they don't accept people who are "different".

2.  Has the civil rights movement equally affected all minorities in America? Not quite.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/16/13

Two and a half scores ago today, a terrible tragedy happened. A bombing occurred taking the lives of four small African American girls. On Wednesday John Boehner awarded a posthumous Congressional Gold Medal to these four girls and the article just talks about the terrible tragedy.

Friday, September 13, 2013

9/13/13 Bell Ringer

Read the following:

What is this significance? - The significance is that the Taliban is still getting recognition for their pitiful attempts at terrorism. Our media is giving them exactly what they want and it doesn't help our war on terrorism.

Was war a success or failure? War is always a failure because it's pointless in my opinion.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignment 9/12/13

- George Bush speaks in this article very briefly, shortly after the planes crashed into the Twin Tower, about the tragedy and what he's doing as far as relief efforts. This was a very brief speech, as you can see it only lasted one minute. I really feel like he was a strong leader at this point in what he said and his severity in what he said. He obviously meant what he said here because we've had this War on Terrorism going on for the past twelve years.

-The video was very emotionally striking. It brought it to a much more personal level where you felt the pain of the victim and all involved. It makes the holiday seem much more worth it.

-Accounts such as this are much less important than one of a person in authority or someone who was in the situation that was occuring at the world trade center. Accounts like this hit on a personal level, but they do not leave as much as a personal impact on someone as a report written by someone who was in the towers. It does, however, give a good idea to what it was like to live in the city of Manhattan at the time of the attacks.

9/12/13 Bell Ringer

Read the following:

1. Interpret what the meaning is of the article. How will job seekers view this information. The job market is slowly getting better. They'll use it to get motivation

2.  Does this mean the economy is improving? Hopefully.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/11/13

I believe that certain things are private and don't belong to government eyes. Some things that the NSA have intruded on is completely out of their jurisdiction in my opinion. On the other side, though, they may have prevented a lot of things that could've gone much worse. People deserve their privacy unless they prove that they don't. It's as simple as that. Only violators of a certain law or code should be harassed by these government systems; after all, we're all not terrorists.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/5/13

1.  Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?"  Justify your answer. No! I like cheap food that isn't good for me!

2.  Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?" Uhm, of course!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bell Ringer 9/4/13

Based on this article:

1.  What fields and or degrees should a person pursue? Science Technology Engineering and Math fields

2.  What additional data would you like to see? The additional benefits of attending a more well known school such as the connections and likelihood of finding a job

3.  How will this impact your decisions about college? It won't. I'm going to go where I want to and study what I love no matter what USA Today wants me to do.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bell Ringer for 9/3/13

1.  Do you think this is invasion of your privacy? Justify your answer. - It's not an invasion at all. If it's a public post it is there for everyone. If it's private messages, it's completely different.

2.  Does this comply with the terms and conditions for use of Facebook? Have you read them? I have no clue. I have never read any terms and conditions.

3.  Does this violate your 4th Amendment rights? As long as it doesn't invade anything completely private.