Thursday, November 14, 2013

Debate Questions #2

     How many lives will be saved if organ donning is mandatory?

     Doesn't this take away the freedom of the person donating?

Debate Questions #3

  1.  Would the physician be considered a murderer if they assisted in suicide.
  2. If we are a free country, why can't we make our own choices in our life, such as ending it?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bell Ringer 11/13/13

1. do you agree or disagree with the decision? Disagree

2.  Do you think it is a violation for Sea World?  Or is it the right if the trainer to decide? I think it's the right of the trainer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bell Ringer 11/12/13

I agree with him. I wouldn't want to be paralyzed the rest of my life and I believe everyone has a decision.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bell Ringer 11/6/13

I disagree completely. I think it's completely ridiculous that they'd do that, even though they'd make a decent amount of profit from that. Maybe if the employees were willing to work and they'd be willing to give them overtime pay and/or another incentive, it'd be more reasonable. If they are making it a normal work day though, I completely disagree with it, because people have other things to do with their lives other than work for K-Mart.

Since it is an international event, and the US and other countries that will be present there have rights for their gay population it may be against international law to hold anyone in contempt for expressing themselves.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bell Ringer 11/4/13

1. What effect will tough requirements such as this have on voters?- It will make people less likely to vote.

2. Can these requirements violate the rights of voters?- Probably. I assume they can since it's making it far more difficult than it needs to be.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Bell Ringer 11/1/13

1.  Was this a justifiable shooting?- Not at all
2.  What does this type of action say about society? That people are ridiculous and go way too far over stupid things