Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bell Ringer- January 9

1.  Who has the right to decide if the 13 yr old has the tube or not?- The people paying the medical bills. So most likely her parents

2.  How would you handle the situation?- I would handle it with great ease and consideration to both sides of the argument.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13 Bell Ringer

1.  Do you believe the police have the same rights to "snoop" in personal cell phone usage as the NSA does?  Or is this a separate entity with different rights? - Neither have the rights to "snoop" at all. They only have the rights to prevent terror attacks.

2. Do we live in a society where privacy is a thing of the past? - Apparently. 

3.  Why would they use this technique? Because they're retarded.

4.  What other areas should be closely monitored? Public Bathrooms, there are a lot of threats and comments about Obama.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Prisoner Debate Notes

Neither side made a very convincing argument. I'm not convinced of anything so my opinion stays with them not having the right to vote.

Prisoner Debate Questions

Pro: How can you say someone who disobeyed the laws that everyone else followed, even if they didn't want to, can get the same rights of voting?
Con: Does not allowing people in prison to vote go against their amendment rights?

12/9/13 Bell Ringer

1.  Does the NSA have a right to collect your personal data without a search warrant or probable cause? - No they do not have that right.

2.  Why would these tech companies be against providing such said data? - They believe their customers should be guaranteed privacy against the NSA.

12/6/13 Bell Ringer

Read and respond. List three of his greatest achievements.

1. Winning a Nobel Prize
2. Ending an apartaheie
3. Becoming President

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bell Ringer 12/4/2013

1.  Could this case have a similar outcome in the US?- Maybe not. It might be on Dr. Oz or Oprah though, but it definitely isn't a $120,000 case here in the good ol' U.S.

2.  Interpret what this case says about the father.- He's definitely an easily upset Chinese man that doesn't like to be messed with.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3/13- Bell Ringer

1.  Why is Limbaugh's message controversial? - Because the Pope is a very large Christian figure and talking bad about him on public radio may offend a lot of people.

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/2013- Bell Ringer

should prisoners be able to vote?- No they forfeited a large amount of rights due to their crimes

should recently released felons be able to vote? I think it depends on their felony, but in most cases yes.