Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/31/13

1.  do you believe this letter is too "harsh" why or why not? - It's probably too harsh for its target audience because they are just a bunch of kids that probably don't know any better, but their parents allow them to do unhealthy things.

2.   do you believe that it is her Constitutional right to hand out said letter?  Why or why not? Yes. Freedom of Speech/Protest/Press. The kids don't have to go to her house, afterall.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Assignment 10/30/13

  1. Schools and Guns
    The main message here is that no matter what school or how the school may seem, it is not safe no matter what and that there has been so many gun shootings in schools. 
    Symbol- The gun in the book is symbolizing a school shooting.
  2. Obamacare Disaster
    The main message is showing that Obamacare is a mess and should be defunded.
    Symbol- The flat tires symbolizes the flat belief  and no one supports Obamacare.
  3. Redskins Name Consequence
    The main message it is showing is that changing the name of the Redskins is a bad idea.
    Labeling- The label in the waiting rooms shows how many people are waiting to complain. 
  4. Meanwhile
    This cartoons main message is showing that Iran is going to bomb Syria and distracting them with Miley Cyrus.
    Labeling- Iran on the man's coat.
  5. Spies Like Us
         The overall message was that people are shocked when learning that Americans were spying on them throughout time. They feel like no matter what anyone does some one is always watching and they believe that there is something that you should be able to do about that.

Bell Ringer 10/30/13

1. Describe the trend in Virginia. There is a new trend to be a Democrat in Virginia.

2.  Is this trend similar throughout America? It seems to be an uprising trend.

3.  What impact might this have on future elections? It could be in favor for future Democratic Candidates.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment 10/29/13

Why is the Capitol Building being pushed off the cliff?- Artistic Techniques
Why is the guy an elephant?- Artistic Techniques
Why is he being arrested?- Cartoon Message
What is the significance of his shirt?- Artistic Techniques
Why does the officer's sleeve say "Voters"- Subject/Cartoon Message

Look at the cartoon and determine certain things such as symbols used, the primary focus, any underlying meanings, and the audience.

Symbolism is a strong technique to present certain things in a more artistic way. Artists almost always accompany this technique with irony or exaggeration. Irony makes the picture more interesting and draws more attention because it is kind of funny sometimes or evokes emotion or thought. Exaggeration, like irony, makes it more interesting and sometimes silly. Labeling makes it easier for the reader to understand what is happening in the piece of art. Analogy compares something, making it easier to relate to, thus being a more interesting piece to look and and attempt to comprehend.

Bell Ringer 10/29/13

1.  Do you feel the "fat test" is legal? Yes, I feel like it is legal.

2.  Does your weight make you "fit"? No, your ability determines the level of your fitness.

3.  How would you handle this issue if you were the government? Make everyone do a fitness training program and then test them prior to the training and if they didn't make the cut then they should go through it again until it is passed.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/28/13

1. Read the article and write your initial response. I feel like the article is kind of biased just because the confederacy didn't win. It talks about how a large amount of US troops were killed, but technically both sides were American. 

2.  Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion? In the writer's opinion I'm sure he is right, but in my opinion I think he is biased and one side just because of the turnout of the war.

3.  Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later? I feel like there is not really an issue. People have the right to fly whatever flag they please, and it isn't physically hurting anyone, so I don't believe anything needs to be changed whatsoever.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Political Standpoint Quiz

Based on the following results, I'm a pretty moderate Liberal. My Standpoints are mainly Liberal but the first test tagged me as a Post-Modern. On my third quiz I landed pretty close to the middle. The last chart showed me just barely on the line between the center and the left. I consider myself to be pretty open to new viewpoints which is why I'm pretty close to the middle in my opinion.


Based on your responses, YOU are a… Post-Modern

Along with 13% of the public
Overall, your political values are closest to those of a…Liberal Democrat--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You Are 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal


The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Your Results

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 40%

This quiz has been taken 20,037,741 times

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...

Centrist prefer a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice. Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind, tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chart from 5-2

Tuesday 10/22

1.        For each of the parties listed below, identify the 1-the party’s major beliefs 2-the groups that generally supported the party. 

Origins  (to 1800)

Antifederalists: Wanted individual rights and didn't want the National Government to have too much power. Opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Farmers and very rural people supported it some.

Federlaists: Wanted the Constitution to be ratified. Wanted a loose government all around, but the Constitution to enforce rights

Democrats:  Voting rights for all white males, a huge increase in the number of elected offices around the country, and the spread of the spoils system. Small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders were the main ones.

Whigs: Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tariff. Bankers, merchants, and industrialists were the main supporters.
Democrats: Opposed sectionalism and helped pushed the nation's party politics back toward the economic arena. Businesses were heavy supporters

Republicans: Rights for African Americans and farmers, laborers, and newly freed African Americans.

Democrats: Restoring the nation's economic and social life. Southerners, farmers, and big-city political organizations support it
Republicans: Restoring the nation's economic and social life. Northerners and manufacturers supported it completely.

Bell Ringer 10/22/13

1.  Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit?  Why or why not? Yeah because its totally his fault, man.

2,  On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property?  Why or Why not?  Yes, it's a landmark and ridiculous that they haven't been charged yet.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/21/13

1. Why is it so hard to break away from devices? - Because we use it to communicate constantly and gain new information

2. Could you survive without your devic(s)? - Yes, but it wouldn't be fun.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Assignment- National Security and Civil Liberties

Domestic wiretapping and surveillance have been a big uproar lately ever since the Snowden leaks. It's frightening to know that everything you say is being heard and everything you text is being read. Many people consider it a violation of their rights, but is it a violation of our rights or is it the government trying to protect us from the dangerous, scary world out there? Maybe they're trying to be helpful, or maybe they're abusing their powers. The real question is what is the best for our nation.

Everyone knows that the NSA has been doing constant surveillance, but is it effective? According to some news stations it is and to some it is doing absolutely nothing. The NSA was formed in 1952 meaning that they have been doing things to ensure our safety for the past 61 years and here we are today as the worlds foremost superpower. Technically they could take credit for our success in the world because they have kept us safe, and recently have protected us from terrorism. They also employ anywhere between thirty and forty thousand people which is a big stimulus for our economy.

NSA surveillance could very well be a violation of our rights. According to The Guardian and Huffington Post it is a direct violation of our first amendment rights and, thankfully, a law suit is going on as we speak over the legality of the NSA's actions. Whistleblower Edward Snowden is to thank/blame for the law suit and complete outrage in our nation. It is true, though, that the data they collect can reveal our intimate secrets, our political affiliations, and even what our beliefs are. Is it necessary to have all this information to prevent terror attacks?

In my opinion, I believe that it is a direct violation of our rights. They are collecting information they don't need to prevent terror attacks. All the personal data that they obtain is obtained for all the wrong reasons and could be possibly used for political gains and unfair advantages. Not only is it a violation of our rights, but it is a violation of morals. Domestic Wiretapping is entirely too far and gives us no individual privacy.

In conclusion, domestic wiretapping may possibly have its perks, but it is honestly too much. Having that much information at their fingertips is just calling for corruption, if there hasn't even been some already. A very small amount of terror attacks have been caught, and a very large amount of people have had their rights violated. The Bill of Rights gives us the rights we deserve and it needs to be strongly enforced in our country if we want to keep our world dominance. We need to be the moral, disciplined example to every single other country, because we act as the big brother in the world. We need to be the best and it starts with every single person and their voice.

Bell Ringer 10/17/13

1.  The shut down is over, so what's next? - The shut down is over and the debt ceiling is raised. Now we wait until they have to set the budget again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/16/13

1.  Should the two girls be charged?  yes or no and explain your answer - Probably not. Especially since they are just two of fifteen girls and since bullying is an everyday problem at that young age. 

2.  What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony? - A misdemeanor is a crime usually punished by a fine and you only get a very small amount of jail time for it but a felony consists of a very large portion of jail time and/or a fine that is usually very large.

3.  What one thing do you think should be done to combat bullying? - Stronger discipline at home and in school to teach kids what is right and how certain things make people feel.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/15/13

simply read the article and respond

how do we keep events like this from happening?  

-I think the entire situation is so ridiculous that it's amusing. What adult wants a pair of kids to "rough up" a nine year old boy?

How can we keep events like this from happening? Let's not give janitors a dollar, that way they can't bribe kids. Simple? Yes.

Bell Ringer 10/14/13

Summarize the article, and explain how this protest differed from earlier protests at the WWII Memorial.
A crowd gathered at the World War II Memorial with Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin in order to protest the closing of the memorial. Some protesters cut the links in the metal barrier at the National Park Service site and pushed them away, entering the memorial.

Monday, October 14, 2013

People Who Made A Difference

Margaret Sanger
-Born in 1879
-Best known for her views on women's control of their own bodies

Deganawidah "The Great Peacemaker"
- He was all about Spiritual Healing and junk
- Made peace by starting the Iroquois Confederacy

Andrew Carnegie
-He was a steel tycoon
-Started working for a Railroad Company at 13

Eva Perone
-Born May 7, 1919
-Husband was President and she did woman's rights things.

Harriet Beecher Stowe
-American Abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
-Born 1811 

 Jon Keynes
-Very Socialist; believed the government should give people money
-Suffered from series of heart attacks

Frances Willard
-Passed away in 1898
-Woman's Rights Suffragist

Eugene V. Debbs
-Born in Indianna
-Founding member of Industrial Workers of The World

Betty Williams
-Co-founder of Community of Peace People
-Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1976

Emmeline Pankhurst
-Born in Manchester in 1858
-British Political Activist

Dwayne Johnson
-Professional Wrestler
-Was on Miami's National Championship team in 1991.

Helena Rubinstein
-Started from the bottom and now she is here. Also started Helena Rubinstein Foundation
- Specialized in health and medical research.

Edward Jenner
-May 17, 1779 Born
-Studied Surgery and made the Smallpox Vaccination

Dolores Huerta
-Labor Leader and Civil Rights Activist
-Formed UFW

Rabindranath Tagore
-Born May 7, 1861
-Reshaped his regions literature and music

Dorothy Hodgkin
- Born May 12, 1910
-She developed X-Ray Crystallography

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bell Ringer 10/11/2013

1.  Is it fair to force the states to pay something that is the responsibility of the national government?  No I don't think it's fair that the state government should have to do what national government is failing to do.

2.  go to and look at the most visited national parks in the United States.  Then select which of the parks you would most like to visit and tell why. I think Olympic or Zion would be the two best parks to go visit. They look the nicest with the most stuff to do.

Bell Ringer 10/10/13

1.  What does this say about the state of our legislative branch? I think it shows that people are very upset with congress and what they are doing.

2.  If you were the Speaker of the House, how would you rectify this situation? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/9/2013 Bell Ringer

1.  Do you think there should be a limit on campaign contributions?  Why or Why not? - Yes, I definitely think that there should be a limit. I don't like the fact that politicians can be bought and sold in the first place.

2.  How does this deal with the issue of free expression that we discussed in class? - I guess it sort of goes along with freedom of expression, but contributing endless amounts of money to a person that is changing the country in the way that you want seems slightly not okay.

3.  Should a person be limited on what and where they spend their  money? - No a person shouldn't be limited at all about how they use their money, the issue is with politicians.

4.  If the Supreme Court agrees with the McCutcheon  how would this change political campaigning? - It would make the entire Earth go into complete turmoil.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Alice Paul

Bell Ringer 10/8/13

1.  Do you agree or disagree with changing the name?  Defend your position in one paragraph. - Agree, because it may be offensive to some people.

Response to Grandson

When I was about 40 years old, I helped discover this new idea and theory behind experimental development of carbon based life-forms. I traveled to Mars with a group of scientists and astronauts in the new highly advanced space shuttles funded by the new and improved NASA Space Program. If it wasn't for me traveling to Mars with the smartest men on the Earth, giving them refreshments and cleaning up after them, they might have starved or gotten really upset and unkempt. Those men owe their taste buds and hydration levels to me.

10/7/13 Bell Ringer

1. I don't think this really defines the "national security." No one would ever suspect a 9 year old to plot a terrorists attack so I don't think that they really would've noticed

2. No. Kids are still pretty harmless nowadays. Sure, they might be a little more deviant than 20 years ago. But hey, no security person checking thousands of people a day are going to suspect a 9 year old to be a terrorist.

10/1/13 Bell Ringer

It's pretty crazy to see this actually happen. I would've hoped that the government would've seen this coming and been able to prevent it, a long time ago.
1. How does this differ from what is going to happen on the 17th?
2.When will they pass the law to get things up and running again, and how will they maintain it?
3.How will this affect people working federal jobs right now and in the future?