Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/9/2013 Bell Ringer

1.  Do you think there should be a limit on campaign contributions?  Why or Why not? - Yes, I definitely think that there should be a limit. I don't like the fact that politicians can be bought and sold in the first place.

2.  How does this deal with the issue of free expression that we discussed in class? - I guess it sort of goes along with freedom of expression, but contributing endless amounts of money to a person that is changing the country in the way that you want seems slightly not okay.

3.  Should a person be limited on what and where they spend their  money? - No a person shouldn't be limited at all about how they use their money, the issue is with politicians.

4.  If the Supreme Court agrees with the McCutcheon  how would this change political campaigning? - It would make the entire Earth go into complete turmoil.

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