Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have A Dream Assignment

 “We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” is my assigned quote

     Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a solid vision. A vision that one day all will be treated equal no matter what color. He spent his life chasing this vision, and his bravery cost him his life eventually. He knew that it wouldn't be an easy path and he knew that his dream wouldn't be accomplished if they turned back. This statement shows exactly this vision. Equality. No matter what the race; it doesn't matter, we're all created equal and we should all be treated as equals who must walk together as equals because together we can achieve anything, but alone we are doomed. 
     This is really applicable to the 60's because African- Americans weren't treated as equals. We all know the story of Rosa Park and refusing to give up her seat on the bus. Most of us also know that employers wouldn't hire people because of their race. All of this inequality can't be changed by just one man. It takes many many people to cause a change, and that's what Dr. King was getting at at this quote, but he made sure to include that "...we shall always march ahead." meaning that if you turn back, you'll never succeed your goal. It takes perseverance and determination.

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