Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lecture Notes

  • Executive Branch
    • President
    • Vice President
    • His cabinet
  • Roles of President
    • Chief of State
      • Ceremonial head of government
    • Chief Executive
      • Has both domestically and abroad
    • Chief Admin
      • Manager of Executive Branch
    • Chief Diplomat
    • Commander in Chief
      • Head of Military
    • Chief Legislator
      • Main author of public policy
    • Chief Policy
  • To be President
    • Natural Born Citizen
    • At least 35 (JFK was youngest ever elected)
    • Lived in U.S. for at least 14 years
  • President pro tempore- Person in majority party with most years of seniority in senate
  • Presidential Term
    • 4 year term
    • Originally no formal limit
    • George Washington set precedent
    • FDR broke the precedent by serving 4 straight
    • 22nd Amendment prevents this from happening again
    • 2 Terms or 10 years is max
  • Presidential Pay
    • Determined by Congress
    • Can't be decreased during a term
    • President may not receive any other pay for work but makes $400,000
    • Extras
      • Mansion
      • Air Force One
      • Personal Body Guards (Secret Service- Continues protection after they are out of office)
      • Camp David
      • Health Care (Continues out of office)

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