Monday, April 14, 2014

Bell Ringer 4/14/14

What career would you like to have? Look up the annual salary of that career.

-I'd like to be a Cardiologist. 357,000.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bell Ringer 4/10

I would spend $50.00 on food and $100.00 on gas, and $350.00 into stocks

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Notes 4/8/14

You are a citizen if you swear allegiance to the US and is entitles to its protection and laws.
Before 1860 citizen was not important until immigration became a huge thing
The 14th amendment defines
     "All persons born or naturalized in the US and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the US"
90% of Americans are citizens by birth.
Naturalization, a legal process by which a person can become a citizen, congress makes the regulations and approves the test.
Collective naturalization, an entire group is granted citizenship, usually by a treaty or an act
You can decide to no longer be an American Citizenship. and is called Expatriation.
Government can not take away your citizenship.
Marriage does not make you a citizen, it just shortens the naturalization process.
Immigration act of 1965 Did away with the quota system allowing 270,000 immigrants.
Congress has exclusive power to regulate the crossing of this nations borders:inward and outward
Immigration act of 1990, allow 675,000 immigrants into the country, allow people with family members but also with special talents such as: doctors, scientists, etc.
Criminals and anyone that can cause harm will not be permitted.
Deportation- rather illegal or convicted of a serious crime.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 4/8/14

In summary, Obama signed legislation Tuesday. This legislation will make it easier for women to be able to be paid fairly for their work, and more specifically; more equally to their male counterparts.

Monday, April 7, 2014


You got 22 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 88 %

Notes 4/7

Asian Americans

  • Chinese Laborers came in 1850's and 1860's. Whites were angry because jobs were being taken
  • Chinese Exclusion act 1882- exclude for 80 yrs (Exclude all Chinese)
  • WWII- All Japanese were evacuated to Pacific Coast. 
  • Congress admitted this was wrong. Now illegal.
Civil Rights Opposers- People think people won't be treated differently because of what the feds say.
1870s-1950s- No meaningful legislation passed in regards of Civil Rights

Civil Rights Act of 1964- passed after longest debate in Senate History (83 days straight)

  1. Voting Provisions
  2. Public Services (Restaurants, Hotels, Theaters, etc.)- could no longer deny access
  3. Fed. Funding programs could not discrim for same reasons.
  4. Employers and Labor Unions also cannot discrim.
Civil Rights Act of 1968/Open Housing Act- Cannot refuse selling/renting living space to a person due to reasons
Title IX: Forbids discrim. on basis of gender in any educational program or program regarding financial assistance. Equal funding and opportunities must be given to women athletics


  • Requires employers take positive steps to fix the affects of past discrimination
  • Employers must meet quotas for minority groups
  • Many argue this results in reverse discrim. 
  • Should be color blind
  • California, Washington, Michigan, and Nebraska voters passed measures to elim all affirmative action plans
The Bakke Case:
Allan Bakke sued the University of Cal because he was denied to Med School - He won
Since then the Courts have made decisions very similar regarding affirm action. Quotas can be used when needed
Justice Dandra Day O'Connor predicts in next 25 years the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary.

Bell Ringer 4/7/14

What should the requirements be for an immigrant to become a United States citizen? LIST 3 IDEAS

  • A basic English test
  • A background check
  • A valid reason

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Homework 4/2

Indiv. Grps find Discrim pic. Pertaining to your race
-Whats happening?(Que pasa)
-Whats going on in ‘Merica?
-What do the faces reflect?
-Picture to blog
-Ex. Of how this might happen today?

  1. This is a march and the sign at the front translates to "No Human is being illegal" which pertains to illegal immigration and how Hispanics are frequently illegal immigrants from Mexico.
  2. In America, we have a very high illegal immigration number. Many consider it a problem, and obviously these Hispanic people feel as if they are being discriminated against.
  3. All of their faces are very similar. They seem upset over this illegal immigration problem and they demand a voice, which is illustrated in their We Shall be Heard poster
  4. This could very well be happening today. We have an immigration problem and it needs some kind of reform to fix this problem.  

Notes 4/2/14

U.S. - White

  • Pops that have grown since 1960
    • African American
    • Hispanic
    • Asian
  • Minority pops exceed white pop.
    • Hawaii
    • California
    • New Mexico
    • Texas
  • More females than males
  • Focus on discrimination against African American because they have suffered the longest
    • Large pop.- 14% of all American people
    • Most of gains have been made by African Americans
  • In 1600s, nearly 1mil Native Americans. By 1900- 250,000.
  • Indian Education Act of 1972 attempted to fix lives of Native Americans and failed
  • Hispanic is the largest group- 50 million in the US
  • Four main subgroups: Mex. Americans, Puerto, Cuban, Central/South 'Merican

Bell Ringer 4/2/14

What do you think will be the most difficult part of the "discrimination" project?
-Not talking