Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Homework 4/2

Indiv. Grps find Discrim pic. Pertaining to your race
-Whats happening?(Que pasa)
-Whats going on in ‘Merica?
-What do the faces reflect?
-Picture to blog
-Ex. Of how this might happen today?

  1. This is a march and the sign at the front translates to "No Human is being illegal" which pertains to illegal immigration and how Hispanics are frequently illegal immigrants from Mexico.
  2. In America, we have a very high illegal immigration number. Many consider it a problem, and obviously these Hispanic people feel as if they are being discriminated against.
  3. All of their faces are very similar. They seem upset over this illegal immigration problem and they demand a voice, which is illustrated in their We Shall be Heard poster
  4. This could very well be happening today. We have an immigration problem and it needs some kind of reform to fix this problem.  

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