Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Notes 4/2/14

U.S. - White

  • Pops that have grown since 1960
    • African American
    • Hispanic
    • Asian
  • Minority pops exceed white pop.
    • Hawaii
    • California
    • New Mexico
    • Texas
  • More females than males
  • Focus on discrimination against African American because they have suffered the longest
    • Large pop.- 14% of all American people
    • Most of gains have been made by African Americans
  • In 1600s, nearly 1mil Native Americans. By 1900- 250,000.
  • Indian Education Act of 1972 attempted to fix lives of Native Americans and failed
  • Hispanic is the largest group- 50 million in the US
  • Four main subgroups: Mex. Americans, Puerto, Cuban, Central/South 'Merican

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