Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Notes 4/8/14

You are a citizen if you swear allegiance to the US and is entitles to its protection and laws.
Before 1860 citizen was not important until immigration became a huge thing
The 14th amendment defines
     "All persons born or naturalized in the US and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the US"
90% of Americans are citizens by birth.
Naturalization, a legal process by which a person can become a citizen, congress makes the regulations and approves the test.
Collective naturalization, an entire group is granted citizenship, usually by a treaty or an act
You can decide to no longer be an American Citizenship. and is called Expatriation.
Government can not take away your citizenship.
Marriage does not make you a citizen, it just shortens the naturalization process.
Immigration act of 1965 Did away with the quota system allowing 270,000 immigrants.
Congress has exclusive power to regulate the crossing of this nations borders:inward and outward
Immigration act of 1990, allow 675,000 immigrants into the country, allow people with family members but also with special talents such as: doctors, scientists, etc.
Criminals and anyone that can cause harm will not be permitted.
Deportation- rather illegal or convicted of a serious crime.

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